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Universal Reformer No.0011, Zaza (I clean the Kitchen and I feeel fiiine)
Universal Reformer No.0011, Zaza (I clean the Kitchen and I feeel fiiine)
Broomstick, acrylics, hairpiece

Inseperable I am from Zaza...Funny, brilliant, she seems to come from another world, one where the rules of feminine comportment demanded by their milieu do not apply.
Readers familiar with Beauvoir’s biography, or with “Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter,” will know where this is headed. The real-life Zaza’s love affair with the angel-faced, future phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty — an eminently suitable match, even by the constricting standards of their milieu — was thwarted by her family. She was on the verge of being sent off to Berlin to study for a year, when in a matter of days she developed a raging fever and died. Viral encephalitis, the doctors said. But in Simone’s view, Zaza fell victim to a society bent on killing off whatever was uniquely alive and precious in her. An amazing, charming person. They always have your back and never lets you down. They are considerate, determined, and will fight for what they want. Don’t cross them, because they can be petty and mean. Although when they really love you, they’re clingy yet will always be there for you. Zaza’s are super fun to hang out with. They will seem shy & quiet at first but once you get to know them, they are loud, obnoxious, and love to be the center of attention. They are trustworthy, inspiring, kind, and supportive. Usually when a Zaza is going through something they hide it so it doesn’t distract other people from their problems. Zaza’s are the best to be with and you are lucky if you know one because they are so rare. They will make a big impact on your life